Tuesday, July 22, 2003

you NEVER count your money while you're sitting at the table!

No, this is NOT about the poker. But it should be.

Okay, it WILL be just for a minute.

My boyfriend gets to play poker tonight. I am very jealous. I love playing cards of any nature (the ONLY thing good derived from that guy I was married to), but particularly poker. I'm a terrible bluffer, but I've never played with anyone that takes it that seriously so that's no big deal. It's just fun to me -- the betting and the wondering and the hinting. It's like flirting with cards, and I LOVE to flirt.

But I am a girl. Girls do not get invited to poker games, unless the game is being hosted by ANOTHER girl -- and frankly, more often than not THOSE girls are probably lesbian. And it's not that there's anything wrong with lesbians, but I don't know a lot of them so I don't get invited to play poker. Which sucks. I'd like to start a girl's night of poker, but I don't really have a lot of girlfriends locally. (They keep moving away and changing their phone numbers, what is UP with that?) And my local girlfriends aren't really poker players. They might pretend to be to go along with it, but I'll never get a regular gig going and if I can't get a regular gig going then I don't really need one of those green banker visor hat thingy's but I REALLY want one!

So, I've been pouting because I don't get to play but I'm not that worked up over the fact that HE'S playing. I'm just jealous because I can't play.

Was going to blog about the 1000 little things that stream through my head all day that I constantly think "I gotta blog about that" and never do, but there's too many of them. Too bad I don't have a better cell phone because maybe then I could figure out a way to blog from my phone. But then, you've still got to use the numbers on the phone to get to the LETTERS and that's just ridiculous. Gotta push the numbers so many times to get the letter you want and then you've gone past the letter you needed so you have to start all OVER again and that is just a pain in the butt. So, then I wouldn't derive the joy from blogging that I currently do.

I could get one of those palm pilot/cell phones to try to do it, but that would be annoying too -- because then it looks like you're talking to your palm pilot and how dumb is that? I feel dumb enough when I use the hands free with my cell phone.

You know what? The cell phone issues are just another blog altogether. We won't get into it.

In fact, I'll keep it short (for me) and end here! (Although I'm disappointed in myself when I don't have a witty sign-off, sorry!)

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