Friday, July 11, 2003

roses smell!

It's funny the things you notice along the way when you just look around. That's a cliche for a reason. Today I saw a gi-NORMOUS tire delivered, unwrapped but for one strip of cardboard with the address on it, to a little ranch house in the 'Burbs. My groceries were professionally packed (AND delivered to my car, thank you!) by Dominic. A Jaguar with a handicapped tag -- broken down on the side of the road. But, my favorite thing was the uppity Buick Big Car so regally touring the parking lot -- with a SCUBA sticker on the back. That was probably the closest I'll ever come to a Dead Head sticker on a Cadillac.

Should have written them down because suddenly I noticed so many of the little things that I never would have even seen. I keep swearing that I will buy a tape recorder JUST for these occasions but never seem to be on that aisle in the store!

S saw a store called PANIC! with giant flames on the window. We wondered what a store called PANIC! could be selling?? Protective wear for pre-anticapators? Bomb shelters? The morning after Pill? A hotline for women whose dream man called to say he would be over in 5 minutes and she's in curlers and a mud mask?? The possibilities are endless -- why don't you shout some out? ;-)


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