Thursday, July 24, 2003

there was an old woman who lived in a...townhouse?

It's getting worse with the sitting in bizarre positions in front of the computer every night. Hunched over, grasping desperately for the keyboard. I wake up in the morning and I swear to God it's like I'm 150.

My hips pop in intimate moments and Lord don't THAT make me feel sexy! I just want to say, this is what it will be like bonking when we're 80 dear. I don't say that though. He probably wouldn't think that was funny. But then again, who wants to think about ANY old people bonking, even if it is us.

Or will be.


If I'm lucky.

So, anyways -- I'm immensely tired and uncomfortable and once again I didn't fold my durned laundry so I'm beating myself up -- which is ALWAYS a fun hobby!

But, I've been reviewing all the on-line learning stuff and I'm kind of freaking out. I don't think I'm going to be smart enough to figure out how to navigate the websites, much less learn the material and expound upon it in a discussion room!! I'm freaking out a little here. What was I thinking? I don't want career advancement this much, do I? Wouldn't I stop talking to myself and rocking while I'm at my desk? Wouldn't I NOT wear blood stained t-shirts to work? (Broken thumbnail incident this morning -- gory slasher-film gushing ensued and I was too lazy to change shirts... It's on the collar, who will notice?)

I sure hope I get help with all the big words. Maybe I should get a computer room that a little bit comfier... I can't take classes because I have to decorate -- sorry!

I'm kidding. I'll muster through and I will survive and all that other tough girl spout I pretend to be. I'm just gonna keep on pretending to be tough because it's gotten me through a LOT of shit thus far, eh?

Word. -hp

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