Wednesday, July 23, 2003

It's official. I'm addicted to the Blog. I think about the Blog all the time. Try to scout out idea. I hear interesting news stories, my ears perk up and my brain starts spinning my "take" on it. I wake up, I'm planning the blog. I'm at work, I'm jotting mental notes. It doesn't always come to fruition, but still: I have allowed the Blog to take over my life.

And I don't even mind.

My personal writing has suffered though, and I do mind that. I've been journalling for 22 years now, no lie, and it's fallen WAY off since I started blogging. It's interesting to me because even though the things that I blog about are NOT always the things that are pressing on me and driving me to write, as it were, the sheer act of the writing is what gives me the release. The creative orgasm, as it were.

Once again, blogging interfering with life -- I HAVE to get ready for work or I'm going to be late. But all I want to do is spew these inane thoughts to an imaginary audience and hear their imaginary laughter and nods of approval.

Shout out to my new friend KP and the FUNshine band -- maybe I DO still have imaginary friends after all, huh?

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