Wednesday, July 09, 2003

Night Visions

I just came to the dumb-founded realization that the time that the advertisers try the MOST to brainwash you is late at night. I don't often watch tv past 11 or so. But tonight, I was hanging out at S's house and saw that French Kiss was on. Got all excited and snuggled into bed to watch. Saw the first part of the movie, which I had somehow ALWAYS managed to avoid seeing the very beginning. And after the first 7 minutes of the movie, they played 20 minutes of commercials. I swear! Okay, maybe it was 10 but it was a VERY long time. And I could feel the brainwashing kicking in. I suddenly thought all of the shows on fx channel were high quality drama. And I wanted to really know "had I driven a Ford lately?" Thankfully, the idea to jot this interesting anecdote down came and that's killed most of that time...

And in loving memory of Honey and Pookie, I give you the following anecdotes:

Pookie: I treat you so good, you don't even know.
Honey: Yes, it's like you're not even treating me ANY differently, that's how little I know!

Honey: (making lame attempt to clean up left behind little bottles all over bathroom) I'm sorry I have so much crap all over. Let me pick it up.
Pookie: Actually, I thought it kinda looked good there.
Honey: starts doing that disgusting girly get misty thing

Honey makes herself vomit repeatedly and hopes that no blog-readers can track her down to sue her for gross negligence where their lactose and sugar levels are concerned.

She then cleanses her pallet with a big STEAK dinner. With lots of seasoning. ;-)


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