Wednesday, April 09, 2003

Oh my GOD! I really need to get a life. And this is all that I'm sucking up space on the internet whining about -- me and my need to get a life! I'm trying to update the look and now I find that I need to learn HTML. Well, I don't need to learn it, but apparently it would help me add a link. Maybe it's off to HTML for Dummies for my next book purchase.

And I do have one small hobby that I have resumed my love affair with (no, not THAT one!) -- reading. Since my lunch bunch has been effectively disintegrated thanks to my job's bizarre scheduling practices, I have resumed being "Book Girl" as one of my former bosses dubbed me in one of his Seinfeldian moments. If you're looking for my nose, you may want to check the book shelf as it's probably lodged into the binding of a book. But, honestly I had forgotten how much I love the escape. Going into other people's heads and thinking the way they do and looking at their slice of the world. Okay, I'm not reading the Dalai Lama (I'm not even sure how to spell the dear man's name) or that Russian guy that starts with a D or Freud or anything -- I'm reading The Nanny Diaries but loving it! But every time I get done with a book that I really get engrossed in, it's like when I was a kid and used to stay too long at the bottom of the deep end of the pool... (Inevitably b/c I was playing treasure hunt with some actually valuable ring I owned and HAD to get it or get my head lopped off -- but I digress...) That feeling that you have when you have been immersed and then :::whoosh::: come up for air and you're gasping for air and you're just feeling kind of dazed and dopey and confused?? You almost miss the immersion but you're happy to be up where the air is again?? That's how books make me feel. I miss the fantasy world but I'm ready to be with people again.

Also, reading makes me think about the process of writing a lot. I am just a rambler and only like to spew out stuff about ME and my views and therefore would be a lousy fiction writer. I mean, yes -- I have the occasional ability to turn a thoughtful phrase but I don't really know how to engross people in my visions. I don't think I spin good illusions. Or something. (By the way, K -- I think I started the "or something" but will be checking the annals of time for verification as I believe you have now claimed it!) Still, I enjoy the catharsis of the writing. Hence, the previous "Heather from the Mountaintop" stuff and prior to that my long-time journalling career and NOW... the BLOG!

I think I'm even more stream of conscious than usual... Funny, that word NEVER looks right.

Godspeed all!

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