Thursday, April 24, 2003


Funny thing happened over here in Bloggerville -- I figured out how to install a counter! And I thus far have had a wander-in audience of *6*! That's right 6 whole people and only maybe one of which was me! That means 5 people are reading this crap and expecting entertainment and witticisms and stuff. Well, HA! Joke's on you! There's nothing funny in here and there's not much worth reading either but you won't care! You'll keep returning again and again and again because you're thinking -- it has GOT to get better than that... Why does she think I care about reading THAT?

Survey says: I do not care what you want to read about. Understand, that's not personal but I can't know what you want to read about unless you tell me. So tell me. Drop me a line and say "I want to read about the terrible things that are happening to baby seals in Antarctica, Heather -- not your irrelevant opinions about your own boring life." To which I will say "too friggin bad, bub. I don't know about the seals and I don't CARE, but thanks for writing."

Short and sweet because already running late for my shower and prep time -- perhaps something interesting and relevant will come my way today for a topic, but somehow I doubt it.


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