Saturday, November 29, 2003

You have been warned

My boyfriend does not have a sense of humor that meshes with that of many of my close friends. I accept that because, well, I think he's funny and he DEFINITELY thinks he's funny and so we have that in common and it works.

I would consider that a disclaimer for the story that I'm going to share and if you are one of those people who fall into that category you may want to just skip this one...

Last night we're getting ready to head out of the house to meet his friend for dinner and I ask him if he has anything resembling breath freshener... He mumbles something from another room that sounds mildly naughty and I ignore it and repeat my question. That's when I hear him say that he has half a cock.

Half a cock? This is disturbing. What happened to the other half? And which half are we talking about? And HOW is that going to improve my breath? Is the other half a whitener??

Turns out he said hot white cock. I'm not sure that this was a better answer, frankly. Despite his belief to the contrary, there's nothing breath-freshening about that! He proceeded to sprinkle the word throughout the rest of the evening, singing along with songs on the radio and changing their lyrics to suit his hot white cock theme.

And it was pretty funny, actually. But, it did help me clarify why not all of my friends think he's as funny as I do. Cock just isn't funny to everyone who isn't in the 6th grade. It wasn't always funny to me. In fact, I never would have used the word a year or so ago and now here I am out on the world wide web going off half-cocked! (Couldn't resist.) It's really just a gradual wearing down the resistance of what you think is funny and the lines of appropriateness. My lines have never been that harsh anyways so it wasn't a big stretch to get to where I am today. I'm still more uptight than he is in most respects, but someone has to be or he might be cracking cock jokes in front of my parents. I try not to think of myself as uptight, but just reasonable. I'm sure he would disagree.

I don't know. I guess it's a slow day in Blogger-ville when I'm analyzing cock jokes, eh?


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