Monday, November 24, 2003

Reasons I could never be a stay-at-home Anything

I'm home ill today. I woke up with a large spike protruding from my head and some invisible being standing on my chest and I thought, I do not want to go through the turnstiles today.

So, I didn't.

And now I'm home and doped up on Aleve (GREAT, great stuff by the way) and I'm thinking there is NO way I could do this regularly. I finally rolled out of bed about 11, after lounging and reading a magazine for about a half hour. I forced myself to take a shower and then spend several hours lolling about in my bathrobe watching crap on tv. Real, true crap. My usual daytime fodder -- Dating Story, Makeover Story and a new one I got sucked in Second Chance. Followed by Ellen's new talk show, which I also caught last week at the dentist's office. I managed to go out to buy some egg drop soup and it was only as I was walking back to my car that I realized that my fly was all. the. way. DOWN. If I hadn't already been feeling like crap I probably would have died right there. How embarrassing is that?? It was bad enough being out in public in my super-fat clothes with no makeup and a sore on my hand that looks festering and contagious (I think I must have gotten an attack of the "itchies" in my sleep last night) but to put the icing on that cake with the wide open fly... Well, I don't really want to leave my house again.

It's sad. I will always be a dork. I remember looking forward to this time and age in my life with something akin to longing when I was a young, awkward girl thinking that I would finally have it together by now. I would be cool and with it and I think I'm even less cool than I was then and I'm not even sure how that is possible. But, how many cool pepole sit at home in their fat jeans watching TLC all day?? How many cool people own fat jeans? I am mired in my own nerdiness and being ill only seems to amplify that feeling.

Thank God I don't own a TiVo, it would only serve to magnify my uncoolness with all of the dorky things I would choose to watch. And not even dorky in an intellectual kind of way.

I think I'm going to force myself to really work on my school stuff so at least I can be legitimately dorky for a little while!!


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