Thursday, November 20, 2003

Today's stuff!

My life seems a little surreal today, but I'm guessing that it's in part because half of my face is numb. (Not even comfortably!)

I got up early to go do the testing thing. English went surprisingly well, but I knew the Math was going horribly awry when I suddenly got a warn message on my screen that inquired, "Do you even know how to give exact change?" Frightening.

I got my lousy scores and I was instructed to go talk to a counselor. Oh joy. One of my favorite things in LIFE! I waited for an hour, cracking random jokes to anyone that was willing to listen. (I had a captive audience, what can I say?) I finally met with a counselor who was actually helpful, which was unusual.

[Sidenote: One of the actual test questions on my pending Psych 105 final has to do with describing my feelings while I'm on campus. I thought I'd share some of those with y'all in lieu of today's jaunt on campus... My thoughts were that I feel old, fat and uneducated. I have an acute awareness of my self-esteem problems as they pertain to my lack of education. I see all the different people, all wrapped up in their own thoughts and I wonder just HOW different can the really be?? Then I hear some of their thoughts spoken out loud and because so many of them are young, they seem less fettered, less in line with any reality that I know anything about. Oh well.]

So, anyways -- registered for classes (for those of you taking notes, Philosophy and Oral Communication, focusing on effective communication skills) and then off to the dentist. Oh boy -- where I got to fork over $116 to have 2 teeth filled. Sigh. But, what're you gonna do? I REALLY like my dentist and she happens to be out of the network. It's pretty rare that I need major dental work, and the regular visits don't cost me anything -- so I keep going. But, now it's costing me.

But, that's okay because CHRISTMAS BONUS IS COMING! Start submitting your gift requests right away!

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