Saturday, November 22, 2003

You don't say?

I met this guy and he looked like might have been a hat check clerk at an ice rink.

Which, in fact, he turned out to be.

(Wrong gender, but that was for you Katrina.)



One of my favorite dumb jokes (even more than ask me if I'm a truck) is the one where the man answers the phone, listens for a moment and says, "You don't say!"

Pauses. Listens some more. Exclaims again, "You don't say!"

This goes on a few more times and then he hangs up. The woman in the room says, "Who was that on the phone?"

"He wouldn't say."

Ba doom boom.

Here's what made me think of those things... I met this 22 year old guy at work who's the new kid on our team. I say "met" although we've just wound up having an email conversation and have never actually met. Background on that was that I sent out a group email to our team and included the phrase "teensy scolding" -- he must have thought this was funny and so replied to it. After I replied to that, we got to chatting.

So, we mainly connected because of the commonality of blogging. I'm a blogger, he's a blogger, wouldn't you like to be a blogger too? We shared blog sites and I went to check his out... It's that 20-year old life that I couldn't relate to when I was 20-something all over again. (I can't link it because it's not public, sorry.) It's the whole life of being hip and cool by virtue of the fact that you're NOT hip and cool. His friends are into tattoes and piercings and quoting 80's movies. The latter really pisses me off, because you were friggin' born in the 80's, find your own damned identity and quit trying to cop mine! Seriously. It's not MY fault that was the last time that they made teen movies that were cool. (Although, how I can say that with a straight face is beyond me given the number of Saturday afternoons I have farted away because Bring it On or 10 Things I hate about You were on.)

One of the reasons that I do not regularly associate with people who are much younger than me is because it reminds me of my wasted youth. I never really had a formative period in my early 20's that defined who I am even to this day. Seeing it so raw and exposed really makes me feel OLD. And I am NOT old. And I am not in denial!

That's why I can never really understand the attraction for younger men. It's not like they have an understanding of cellulite and wrinkles. Biological clocks. Whatever. There's none of that in their world which means you'd have to work that much harder to stave off yours. Ick. One of the benefits of being with someone older is that not only am I free to get lumpy, I'm nearly expected to do so. THAT is freedom, for real. I suppose it would keep me on my toes but who wants that? I'd rather relax.

It's nothing against younger guys or the women who are with them. (You know who you are, Demi Moore.) It's not like I don't understand the appeal of young dumb and cute, I invented the catcall YDC for pity's sake. It's just not for me.

Next blog -- why really old guys suck too! ;-)


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