Sunday, November 30, 2003

Interesting things you learn from the net...

Perhaps Madonna has an affliction that is causing her to have a British accent, even though she is from Queens or something. Like the woman in this story who apparently developed a British accent after having a stroke. I suppose there are bloody worse things that can happen, eh chum?

Your brain is more active sleeping than it is watching TV. I learned this while taking an IQ test. I have to believe though that if you take the IQ test enough times that it ceases to be a true indicator of your actual IQ and really just how well you remember the patters from IQ tests. It's a memory test. My IQ is 138, in case you cared.

I'm going to inactivate my brain now and set up my Christmas tree. For those of you who remember from last year, this is not one of my favorite things in life to do. But, there's a hierarchy of my dreaded chores and this currently beats folding laundry and ironing the shirt I'm thinking about wearing tomorrow.

Christmas Wish List # 357: A MAID!

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