Thursday, November 20, 2003

leftover stuff from last night

I had two realizations last night that I wanted to right about, but was too tired...

1) Do you realize that we're never going to know what English really sounds like? We were watching something and the people were speaking Chinese and we were trying to describe what it sounded like. That's when I realized this. English is never going to sound like another language to us, so we have no idea if it sounds pretty or ugly or hard or soft or WHAT to people who don't speak the language. I think that's pretty fascinating, actually.

2) I realized that crux of 90% of my relationship issues boil down to one simple controversy. It is our conflict over "why won't you tell me this?" vs. "why do you need to know?" ALL of our problems pretty much come down to this one simple thing. I am excessively curious (it's genetic, let's get serious) and he is excessively taciturn with information. There are things that I want to know and he doesn't want to tell me the answers, mainly because he doesn't understand WHY I need to know. I don't see why it matters. Just tell me.

So, I know the heart of the problem, but how to fix it remains ever elusive. Scott probably knows, but he won't tell me! ;-)


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