Monday, November 17, 2003

Looks like someone's got a case of the Mondays

I very desperately wanted to just crawl under the covers today and make the world go away. Helped some friends move yesterday (as much help as I can be, 200lb weakling that I am -- har, har) and I could barely lift my arms to wash my hair. I go to slap on some war paint to cover my fatigued face and discovered that I left the "good stuff" at Daddy's house... So deep runs my vanity that I almost went over there just to do my face before work and then I got over myself and used the "not-as-good stuff" to do my face with. Then I just snarled at people all day, which works wonders for your appearance.

Couple that with a To-Do list that was literally 4 pages long and a minor power play with my boss and all in all -- NOT a stellar day. (It's not literally a To Do list but to explain what it literally means would be boring and UNfascinating to everyone but Katrina!) [God bless Katrina, by the way, for being interested in that boring crap. Makes me feel like slightly less of a drudge. Not much, but slightly.]

Where was I? Yes. So, bad day. And it was Monday to boot. All in all, not much to blog about but damn it someone's got to be prolific and it might as well be me.

So, I will explain the power play thing with my boss and if anyone wants to toss out suggestions I'll be happy to field 'em. The thing is, I love my boss. I really do. But she and I are a LITTLE too much alike at times and the bottom line is that she's the one in charge at the end of the day so I'm never going to be right in situations where she doesn't agree with me. She has this thing that she does when she is a little miffed at one person where she will drag ANOTHER person into the conversation. I was on the receiving end of this today. She asked me a question and then she didn't like the answer I gave her, so she dragged another co-worker into the fray to "back her up." I understand, on some levels, that it was NOT that serious, but I didn't like it. To be fair, I am more often than not the employee who is brought in to "back her up" and I don't like that either. Both ways, it puts me in a poor spot. But, the fact of the matter is that in order for me to keep things the way that I like them, I can't really call her out for doing it to me because that moves my position in this little game. I don't like it but she's going to keep doing it and it works to my favor more often than not.

Evil Corporate Heather, bet y'all didn't know that I had it in me, did you? The fact is that I don't. However. I've always been one to play the hand that's dealt me. And this is the first time in some time where I've been dealt a pretty good hand AND been in a position to bet on it.

Ick. It's disgusting even to me. I'm gonna go have some wine and Easy Cheese, the cure-alls for what ails ya!

Love you mean it,
Catbert =)

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