Sunday, June 29, 2003

I haven't had coffee yet, but I am SO excited because the blog is working! The Blog Is Working!

Which means I have archives again that aren't screwed up. Yay Blogger! I'm so excited I may actually start paying them to do this!

What y'all don't know is that it's changed behind the curtains here at Blogger so what I used to see when I sat down to spew out my thoughts to you was a LOT more complicated than it is now and even then it was web-based publishing for dummies. But now, it's for BIG dummies! But best of all, this transitional thing that they are doing fixed my broken archives. Which means all of my thoughts are now available for viewing. From the beginning, almost 3 months ago! Are you excited? Can you feel me now??

Ok. Definitely need the coffee. But it has been a source of irritation to me that my archives were just gone and I'm very happy that they're back.

Now someone read 'em and send me mail damnit!


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