Thursday, June 26, 2003

Office SpaceOUT

I'm not one for getting overly involved in office politics. I think it's a bunch of crap. I go to work to do my job and try to do it as well as I can without being too kiss-uppy. Well, okay -- I actually do kiss up somewhat, but I try to keep that on the down-low, so let's TRY to keep that between us. I can't help it if the Director loves me, I'm just that lovable. It helps that she's a really fun person that you can let your hair down with.

But I digress. I've been "volunteered" to help with the celebrations for my team, along with one of my co-workers (who, frankly, does ALL the work, but somehow I can't seem to get off the committee). Unfortunately, it turns out that company policy isn't so keen on asking your co-workers to contribute money to throw themselves a little party once a month although most people disregard this. So, now I have been assigned the enviable task of asking people for money without asking them for money. Mainly because there is one person in particular on my team who does not wish to give money because she's been "shafted" when her own celebration came around. This isn't necessarily true, according to my boss, but I don't want to divulge such confidences, even in this forum. Nevertheless, so we spent an hour of my life today trying to figure out the PC way to pass around the hat. It was a bunch of crap. The place is more than a little uptight. I said this is ridiculous, if people don't want to pay to celebrate then screw 'em -- we'll just skip their birthday. Or worse yet, they can just feel that much more guilty when their own birthday comes around and they've got a cake and balloons and crap waiting for them. Trouble is, people like that don't seem to feel guilty in those situations. So that was just barely the middle of my day.

So, I leave from this to get chastising message on my cellphone from my boyfriend about how sure would be nice if I sang him lovesongs and brought him flowers. This did not sit right with me and we had a little spat, which rendered me a little teary over lunch. (See TMI blog, this should explain much) Seriously, it was the silliest thing but I'm teary and grouchy and foul. Tried to rectify it, but it was too late -- he was grouchy by then too by my reaction. And normally, these spat things are no biggy but I'm period-ing and got stupid office bs to look forward to after lunch, it weighed on me. And then that just blows up every other dumb thing in my head and we're off and running.

Go back to my desk after lunch, and apparently I have been secretly tagged to handle the complaint/frustrated line. People growling and grousing and NONE with even the slightest sense of humor. Capped all of that off with Mr. Short Bus who couldn't seem to understand simple things that I was explaining because he was too busy talking to me like I was stupid to listen to what I was trying to explain. In very small words.

So, I smoked. I never smoke at work anymore. It is a very long walk and it was a very hot day. Didn't care. So, then I'm feeling lousy about myself for smoking because I'm trying to quit, even though I totally suck at the quitting. (I can quit anything else, but not something that I should.) Go back from break and it's more complainers, even less humor, and now we've got some computer problems thrown in there just for extra fun.

All in all, I wish I had stayed at home today and finished Harry Potter. Not that I'm anywhere near finishing, but I'm now at that do or die point that you get to with the HP books... You have a hard time just reading one more page or just reading til the end of that chapter. Your life starts to get interrupted, big time. And I'm not as fast of a reader as I used to be, so I really resent the world for pulling me away.

Like now, you greedy blog-readers! ;-)

love you, kisses

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