Saturday, June 21, 2003

Harry Potter and the Magnetic Poetry with a dash of Match-making

Yes, I stood in line and got Harry Potter this morning. Of COURSE! Did you question the length of my devotion to all things HP? I've started reading but had to pull myself away to answer the phone. Good thing because I have things to do today and once I get started I will be lost to the world for some time.

While I was in line (I was fortunately in a less than popular local Waldenbooks and only stood waiting for about 20 minutes), I found refrigerator poetry in the impulse buy rack. Which I impulsively bought as well. I have ALWAYS wanted that silly thing and so that has been the main thing keeping me away from the lure of Harry Potter. I've been pushing words around my refrigerator door and making them say silly things. I'm sure I will get tired of it soon and wish I had my $20 back but in the meantime, it's fun to pretend to be creative again! Perhaps some of my more memorable creations can be posted here!

Had the best time hanging out with my boyfriend last night... There are sometimes when we are together that everything is so clear and so lax and it just seems like we have never had a problem between us in the world. We have the best talks and get down to nitty gritty stuff without it getting all weepy and melodramatic. Although I was disturbed to realize that I no longer seem to have my own personality, that I seem to be some female morphed version of him -- spewing out his -isms and jokes as if I never had any of my own. And then I realize I can't even remember any of my own. It's a disturbing epiphany. One that I can't shake. I am not a cookie cutter, this is what the whole point of the Heather Allure is, isn't it? I based a ad around the theme, for pity's sake!

Okay... That was poor segue, even for me -- but have been itching to talk about this because friend of mine is joining the ranks of the online dating community, with much support and rah-rah from me. We were online together a few nights ago, browsing the availables in her area, and I was amused to note just how many men all make the comment "tired of the bar scene." It's an interesting dilemma in this day and age, because if you are not one for the "bar scene" then where are you to go to scout out your future Mr.? S & I met at work and came together through a series of flukes and mishaps, largely orchestrated by me (don't argue dear -- we both know that we wouldn't be together if it weren't for my bluntness)... But, it's often heartbreaking to date people you work with (an experience I am only too aware of) and if you're not a church-goer, where does that leave you? The grocery store? Still, I think that the "online scene" will someday surge to unproportioned heights and people will find their way back to the bars with lines about "I'm tired of the online scene". There's too much that you can alter about yourself online that is just not possible meeting people face-to-face. I don't even mean the obvious, physical stuff. Just about your personality in general. We all have this idea of who we hope we are in our heads. Some of us are more in touch with reality with that vision than others. And it's that distortion of reality vs. fantasy where the trouble begins.

Still... I'm a big fan of the genre. If I were "out there" again, I'd definitely have my name in the .com hat and pay my $20 gladly. You spend more than that in a few hours at a bar only to be bitterly disappointed by men who are too afraid of your brilliance to step up to the plate. At least on-line you have time to gauge if someone's personality is in line with your own -- without the "tones", they have only your words to figure out your intentions. It's a bit like dancing in the dark -- exciting, interesting. And there's the chance, as mentioned above, to create someone's perception of you before they have the chance to create their own. It's a bit like Frankenstein, isn't it? Let me tell you how I WANT you to see me and maybe I can tell you enough of that that we can both believe this is the truth about me.

But the best part is when you really do meet someone who fits -- and they figure out the truth about you and still stick around. They know what all of your little quirks and nuances are, and not only do they love you in spite of that -- sometimes it is even one of the factors in it. This is what I hope for my searching friend, for someone to discover her truths and share with her a few of his own.

Rambling Heather (is there a synonym for rambling that starts with an 'h'?) off to do her daily duties -- so I can slack off and be Potterized for the rest of my weekend!

PS: Deliberate omission of on-coming Sex & the City return. Have to have things on tap to blog about, don't I??

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