Wednesday, September 17, 2003

more on the joys of non sequitur

Do you suppose they deliberately use ugly people in some infomercials so you will find them more believable? If they're ugly, they don't seem like pre-paid actors, do they? Why would people this ugly lie?? What's the point?

Also, has anyone else noticed that on the rare occasion when MTv happens to have videos that they run a streaming reminder that you're watching Music Television? Apparently they think you could not figure this out if you were ACTUALLY, I don't know, watching music. On television. Like it used to be?? Or am I REALLY showing my age by admitting that I can remember when you could watch MTv and there was all videos. Some shows, but mostly just videos. They even killed the radio star, remember??

Well, I'll be evacuating my home to the no-safer haven of my boyfriend's house. He thinks it's safer and frankly, I don't want to be bored if/when the lights go out so I agreed. Just think of the hours I'll be able to wile away, nagging him to tears. That's fun for everyone, isn't it?

As a true testimony for my hurricane readiness, I braved the approaching oceanfront last night to dine at a Japanese steakhouse! And while in the area, I picked up an emergency supply of wine-colored short boots. After all, you've got to be stylish when you're trapped at home due to torrential rainstorms and high winds. Your Hurricane Heather fall fashion line will be in stores as soon as they've removed the boards from the windows...

Y'all take care now and always remember -- DUCK AND COVER! ;-)


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