Sunday, September 14, 2003

warning: soft core porn to follow

Last episode of Sex & the City and all I have to say is MEOW! I don't know about the rest of y'all but seeing that much sexual tension on-screen made me think back on the early days of my relationship with Daddy... Remember those days, girls? In the very beginning. Where he wants you so bad and you want him so bad and that's not much else you can think about besides that but you're grinning at each other like idiots because you don't want to cave first. And the kisses that start out chaste and demure that gradually build and build til there's a fire burning in you so bad you can't even see. He'll touch that spot on your neck and you'll run your fingers up his leg. Remember those times? You both knew it was going to be SO good, but you didn't want to give in. You wanted to hold on and hold out for that very first time. And he can just look at you a certain way and you know what he wants and you only know because you want it more. Remember the very first really deep embrace where he pulls you in tighter and tighter and the kisses grow deeper and more longing and you know this is TROUBLE and you don't even care. "If this is Trouble," you think, "I don't EVER wanna be out of trouble again! Bring on the trouble!"

Yeah. Meow. You know, I think it's important to keep the man in your life that did that to you. Man can look across the room at you in just a certain way and YOU KNOW he's thinking about what he's gonna do to you later that night when you get home... And YOU KNOW it's gonna be good. That, my friends, is a man I keep around. That's a man that's got game, you know what I'm saying?

not so much porn-y here

So, it's just as well that Sex & the City is ending temporarily because clearly the tension it works up in me is enough to power a small city. Like Detroit.

And yes, I cried when Steve and Miranda kissed and was despondent when Charlotte lost the baby. I'm only human!


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