Wednesday, September 17, 2003

but enough about you, let's talk about ME!

One of my absolute favorite things about myself is my never-ending source of optimism. Particularly about my own ability to follow through with things. No matter HOW many times I disappoint myself by failing to do this, that or the other whenever an occasion comes up for me to start something (that I will NOT finish) I never fail to go blindly forward as if I hadn't been down this exact same road before.

For example. In case you're living under a rock (and let's hope it's a heavy one because otherwise even your rock will be blown away), you are no doubt aware that there is a hurricane headed this way. The East Coast, that is. Virginia, specifically for you nosy bastards who want to know where I live. (Why all the hostility, Heather -- what's THAT about??) My work is closing down at noon today and will likely be closed tomorrow. I'm faced with an unprecedented amount of free time locked up in my house. (Well, in my Daddy's house as we are all aware.) And me, with my staunch optimism, I'm mentally planning projects. Like organizing my photos into an album. A project I have been thinking about since, I don't know, Christmas when I received the lovely album from Daddy to start this project. I've had 9 months to work this out and YET, have not. AND YET, now because there is a hurricane a-coming, I believe that I will be holed up in the condo lovingly sliding photos into protective plastic sleeves. Let's get real. I'm probably going to be drinking and otherwise occupied until such time that I have to return to work on Friday or Saturday. And still, I cannot seem to get the idea out of my head that I should bring the pictures over to his house just in case. Yeah. I'm also going to read War and Peace , clip out all those magazine articles I've been meaning to save in a 3-ring binder, balance my checkbook, and lots of other really unrealistic projects. Not sure why the reality that we'll be sitting around, playing cribbage and probably snarking at each other can't sink in but it can't.

Of course, now that I see in black and white what I think the reality really WILL be like, maybe it makes a tad more sense why I'm planning projects!! ;-)


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