Tuesday, September 16, 2003

While You Were Out -- and not checking the Blog...

I've made some changes. Added the guest book (SIGN THE GUESTBOOK, damnit) and finally figured out how to get one damned link up. I think I might know how to get more but I can only go so far into this process without feeling like a complete and utter dumb-ass and frankly, if you must leave my blog for another I would prefer to direct you to my favorite one, Rabbit. Mainly because (and this is blatant sucking up, I fully admit) I love the Rabbit blog and it/she is what inspired me to really get blogging myself.

Not that there's been much benefit to me espousing all of my crap on the internet to anyone other than me, but then again -- I never claimed that is was ABOUT anyone other than me, so no harm no foul as they say.

Is that a basketball phrase?? Where did that come from?

And more importantly, why don't I take more time to wonder where all of these kind of phrases come from??

Well, because I have to dry my hair and go run errands and I haven't got time for the inane!


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