Saturday, September 20, 2003

Damn. Thought I'd already posted some hurricane stuff but just realized that was in format of mass email to friends and family.

Oh well. Here's the short version: I survived! ;-)

Slightly longer version includes info that I am one of the few residents of Hampton Roads (and further) with power. Of course, what are they going to do, shut down their premier blogger? Let's get serious! I'm regarded as a beacon of hope for all around -- and a target for their ire at not having their own power. Believe me people, I am as baffled as the next guy!

In other news, I'm now frantically "parent-proofing" my house because parents don't have power and they'll be crashing here for the next day or so. Hide the toys and the porn, Mom's coming!

And last but not least (because the frantic search for all things outlandish isn't done), let me just say how EXTREMELY glad I am that I got gas before the storm because the lines to all of the open and functioning gas stations is causing traffic jams. Seriously! Sometimes, I CAN be practical and it DOES work out!

More after the dust has settled...

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