Thursday, September 04, 2003

Save your blogs -- recycle them!

I'm so boring and repetitive I can't even come up with new blog themes. Because I think I wrote about this a while ago... But who cares? I love Thursdays. There's just something about the scent of the weekend in the air to jumpstart my mood. Even with football on.

Actually, let's go THERE instead of Thursdays. I hate to say it but I'm already over football and it's only just begun. Well, that's the party line anyway. I'm not quite certain how something that has been on my friggin' tv every night for the last month is "just" beginning, but I guess I'm just an illogical female. Because that's how they push it -- it's so special because it's only on for a few months, not like basketball and hockey which never really seem to end. I think this is a bunch of crap because it's been on since the beginning of August and it's going on through the end of January, so where I come from that's six months. That's half the year! How is this such a short, bittersweet time? Hell, in the past if I was in a relationship that lasted that long I thought I was doing well! (And trust, I wasn't doing well very often -- but that's another blog.)

And then I get the well, you can't COUNT that because it's pre-season and those guys are just second-string wannabe's anyways

Then why are you watching it?

Don't you need to go buy some shoes or something?

And then, of course, you can't really count all that crap in January because THAT'S post-season, silly girl. That's the play-offs.

I think if I understood why people get SO excited about sports, then maybe I would not be so bitter about it. But I don't. There's lots of stuff I get excited about, but not to the exclusion of all other things. I get that it's fun and exciting but I don't understand why it's worth OBSESSING over. You can't tell me when our anniversary is or what my favorite color is, but you know how many points Brett Favre or Ricky Williams got (or whatever they get) last week??

And worse than the fact that I hate football, I hate that I hate football. I wish I liked it. I wish I could get into it and get excited that it was coming on. The fact that I hate it as much as I do (and always have) just is another example of me turning into my mother. And I love my mother but I don't want to BE my mother. But what can I do? It's not like I can just wake up one day and suddenly decide to really be into football. That would be like trying to start smoking when you're 40 -- you don't have a bad habit, why would you start?

See. There I go again! Calling football a bad habit like it's crank or something. It's ridiculous. It's just a game. It didn't do anything to me!

All right. I'm gonna go pack now. Heading to C-ville for the weekend, which I believe I mentioned. Y'all have a good weekend and I'll blog at you soon!


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