Sunday, September 14, 2003

Bragging Rights and other Non Sequitur stuff

"Have you bogged lately?" asked a well-meaning friend.

Er, no. It's blog, but no. I haven't.

Here are some rationalizations. I should be studying for class. (Instead, I was reading Watermelon by Marian Keyes -- which is fabulously wonderful, but we know I think this about almost every book I read.) I should be doting on my boyfriend. (Who is currently at his best friend's house, yelling at football games, with a vague recollection of my name and place in his life.) I should be cleaning my house and putting away laundry. (Unfortunately, I have discovered a Yahoo! game called Stop and Pop or something and I can't seem to tear myself away to PEE, let alone anything really relevant like cleaning my house and paying bills.) Speaking of which, I should be paying my bills. (I took the time away from my game to balance my checkbook and realized I have no money. Solved that problem!)

Not sure why I haven't been blogging. I went to the wine festival yesterday and heard that I had a really good time. I wouldn't know, I was really really drunk. Note to self for next year: sample all the wine FIRST, then buy a bottle or two. Turns out, if you drink a bottle of wine shortly after arriving -- you don't get so interested in having little sips after that.

Today, got a pedicure with my girlfriend as a birthday present to her. Love those kind of gifts because then I get to participate too! (Note to girlfriend -- you DEFY nicknames, please choose a suitable one for your web anonymity.) How about EZ Bake? ;-) Anyways, I wound up with little flowers on my toes which are VERY cute, but frankly -- you can't tell they are flowers until you are at the level to suck my toes and seriously, who's ever going to get that close? And no, I do NOT have it that good with S. It would take really strong medicine to get him interested in sucking on my feet. It's not a character flaw, per se, I just don't think it would occur to him to do it.

In other news, I realized today that as much as I prattle on about all kinds of various things in my life that I also carry some guilty feelings when things are going well and I'm really and truly feeling happy. As if I don't deserve periods of time in my life where everything is good and good things are happening to me. Like work going smoothly and S & I just being generally pretty content with one another (well, on every day that isn't Sunday)... I suppose I should modify that and say that I am generally pretty content with him, I can't REALLY speak for his level of contentment with me. Perhaps he's miserable and bottling it away til he gets his own, secret blog where it's Inside Daddy's Head -- the Truth about that weirdo Heather but... I really kinda doubt that. And then, when r e a l l y cool things happen that I want to shout from the rooftops, I really feel bad. Because it's so awesome that I know I'm bragging about it, but damn I can't help bragging because I'm


And who wouldn't want to brag about that?? Especially little old me who never friggin' gets to go anywhere and now I have this whole cruise thing that's being paid for by my boyfriend's mom and it just rocks. S says that just means that I gotta be on my toes between now and then and I say -- up his bucket. Go ahead, dump my ass -- the ticket's paid for so I'm going no matter what. He could dump me in cold, cruel fashion (just before Christmas-time, say) and hang me in effigy and I wouldn't care. He'd still be sharing the cabin with me and snorkelling in Bermuda right next to me because there's no way I'm missing out on that!! I'm so excited, I may even join a gym!

Anyways. I really don't have anything else to BOG about, so I'm gonna go visit my addictive game and then make a run for Target.


PS: Curly Sue -- I couldn't work out the jaybird reference, and anyways it's not true anymore. Hope you find that comforting!

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