Wednesday, August 13, 2003

Inane stuff that bothers me

(Sorry for any repeats, Mr. Kahlua)

People who bitch about situations they have created for themselves.

When the gas station is OUT OF GAS. This is your primary reason for existence, why are you open if your gas doesn't work? People will go elsewhere for cigarrettes.

People who complain that their CHILD's insurance is "so high" -- when their CHILD was caught driving high which is why their PREMIUM is so high. Hello?!

Not all fern bars offer cheap appetizer alternatives, like Crapplebee's with their $1 chips & salsa. I should pay $6 just to line my stomach so I don't puke your $5 beer?

On this note, I am also annoyed when my favorite "hook-me-up" bartender quits his job and doesn't have the dignity to inform me! If my hairdresser did that, I would rip her liver out. (Seriously, if you're reading this -- it's true.)

People who eat less than your average Ethiopian who complain about their weight. What, are you kidding me?

The sub-zero temperature in most grocery stores and restaurants. I'm a plus-size girl and I'm still shivering like a wet dog in these places, is this necessary?

This is all I can think of because I'm just really tired right now. Obligatory blogging, ain't it silly??

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