Tuesday, August 26, 2003


Well, technically cat & dog fight. Got "picked on" in my online class ALREADY! Was told that I am sound like a self-important self-criticizer who never does anything to change her ways. Wow. Dude, sorry I said that stuff about your mom already...

Got my dander up so I fired back a well-thought response that was mostly minimal in the sarcasm. Seriously. I do know how to cut that down. Stop laughing, the milk will come out of your nose. Basically it was the Rodney King plea of "can't we all just get along" with a dash of "let's think about what we post before we post it, buddy" thrown in for good measure. I have a friend we'll call Millie who says I am going to get ATTACKED and that the semester is going to be very interesting.

I say -- bring. it. on. Of course I'm a self-important, self-criticizing woman but what he neglected to type (because maybe he DID read before posting) is that I am also a BITCH. Especially when it comes to a forum that will pretty much alleviate any possibility of confrontational anxiety, which I am ironically usually paralyzed by. Most people do not know this about me but I would rather eat my own shoes then get into any level of confrontation with anyone. That's why I tend to only hang out with people I get along really well with and that I know would not screw me over. But online? In a written discussion group? Are you kidding? I live and breathe by the creed that the pen is mightier than the sword, especially when wielded by a coward who loves to hide behind her words. (I'm referring to myself here -- I'm the coward.) And while I should refuse to engage in a battle of the wits with an unarmed person, it might be nice. We'll see.

Turns out class might pep up the blog after all. Who'd have thunk it??

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