Sunday, August 10, 2003

Diamonds on the soles of my shoes

I've awakened this morning thinking about diamonds. Thinking that the reason that we, as women, are so drawn to them is because we, as women, are so much LIKE them.

We start out as lumps of coal, then a whole lot of pressure is applied and underneath the coal you find the sparkling beauty within us. That gem that is inside of us stands up to most insane amount of heat pressure. Then, diamonds are faceted to show off their true beauty. Just like women. We have our work facets and our home facets and our friend facets and so on. And there are facets even WITHIN those facets. I am not the exact same person with each of my friends, just as I'm not the exact same person when I'm with S. Or at work or with my parents. But, I'm still ME. Just demonstrating different aspects of me.

And then there's the setting. Different cuts of diamond look different in each kind of setting. It's amazing the difference the setting makes. Some settings just really don't bring out the best in some diamonds. Just like some circumstances really do not show us in our best light. Some relationships hide your beauty and strength. But, when you change the setting then you really can see the inner brilliance of a diamond that was simply in the wrong ring or pendant for its design at first.

I'm thinking about this because a friend of mine got out of a bad setting recently. She wasn't being played to her best light and it was keeping her shine down. She was losing her sparkle. But she had the courage of conviction to make that change and now is questioning, well, everything. Don't. You, my friend, are a diamond and you deserve to have all of your facets and all of your sparkle and all that is brilliantly, wonderfully YOU displayed to its best advantage. The world is a sea of settings just waiting for you to nestle into one. You will find one and you will shine again.

And it really is just that simple! ;-)


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