Sunday, January 04, 2004

The End of Sex

First there were only 8 episodes left, now there are only 7. It's too depressing for words. I'm talking, of course, about the end of Sex and the City on HBO.

With The Sopranos coming to an end soon, I'm not really sure what's the point of continuing my HBO subscription. But, the loss of that show is really nothing compared to the loss of Sex.

Every show I walk away sad that it's over. Wanting more. I've never glanced at the clock and marvelled at how slow the time was going. Just seems like one minute the cheesy opening music is rolling and the next minute someone has muttered something profound and the credits are rolling. I am going to cry like a BABY during the last episode. I'm just so sad to see it go.

I never could really identify fully with any one of the characters, but if I had to pick one I suppose I would vainly pick Carrie. I think she's the mix of all of the remaining girls. She has a good girl side and she also has a bad girl side. She's been hurt and she's been the one to hurt someone. She's romantic but she also just wants to get some sometimes. I went through phases of being like all the girls. A little Samantha when I was in my "wild" phase. (Trust me, it was MUCH less wild then I try to play it up to be.) A little Miranda when I was in my post-divorce and sick of men phase. And now, a little Charlotte with my stage of hopeful romance and dreams of being a fairytale princess. (Sickening, I know, but please bear in mind I was at a bridal show today and take pity.)

From tonight's show, we had Carrie taking a "luv-ah" (said with unidentifiable foreign accent) in the older Mikhail Baryshnikov (whom we'll be calling Mik if we have to use his name again -- OY!), whose character is Aleksandr Petrovsky an artist. Man oh man, he is some kind of sexy. I mean, I had to sponge off after. The man makes me want to go and watch men in tights and I'm not even into that ballet stuff. He just gets to nibbling on her neck and speaking with that thick accent and oh my God, did it get hot in here?? Let me turn the fan on!

Anyways, and then Samantha got hooked up with that Richard Wright guy because she can't trust this thing with the younger guy. That was messed up, it hurt my heart to see that. I mean, I don't trust younger men either -- but Smith's good people. And he's 30, which is in the trustworthy age-group. (Sorry to all the youngun's & youngun lovers out there, it's not personal. I just like my men aged, that's all.) Miranda had some uncomfortable run-ins with her former lover, the chocolate Robert. And that made me think -- how much would THAT suck?? To live in the same building with someone you dumped to get back with your former boyfriend? I can tell you that working in the same place is pretty darned uncomfortable, but then these things have a way of ironing themselves out sometimes don't they? ;-)

If you're interested in checking out some of the Sex and the City stuff, then you can wander over here and peruse to your heart's content. I've got the fever so bad that I think I'll be renting the entire season soon. I'd really like to own them all because I could definitely watch them over and over but just can't see spending all that money. Because I'm cheap... In a frugal way, not in a dirty way!

Off to finish stripping Christmas...


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