Tuesday, January 27, 2004


Oh my God -- my competitive gene has finally kicked in. I realized there was a voting thingy on the BlogMadness site and I started going crazy. I emailed everyone I knew and gave very specific directions as to how to go and vote for me me me!

I'm still behind. If you've got the time and inclination and you're still reading this blog (and by the way, who ARE you because I don't think anyone is reading this blog anymore and I would like to talk to you!) then please link over to here and my blog is under the Work category, I'm #12.

I may be behind because you have to scroll to get to my answer. Not sure.

But vote. I dislike being competitive, frankly. It's always been something I have tried to pretend wasn't part of my character.

But it's a lie, I tell you. I love to win -- I need to win -- help me win!

I dislike begging, but if I can beg and still win then I would find a way to be okay with that too.

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