Friday, December 12, 2003

Money, money, money

I've been grouchy and stressed out lately about the evil green monster. I hate the control that it has on my life. I wish I could just be independently wealthy and be done with it, but it just doesn't work like that.

The fact is that there is ALREADY pressure (as I've previously mentioned) on when, where, and how Scott and I are going to get married. I try to put a big bubble around him to protect him from these things because he's like a skittish kitten when it comes to planning -- too much of it and he hides under the bed. Figuratively speaking in this case. The point is that if too much comes out, he's gonna get scared and in case y'all weren't reading, I kinda want to marry the guy.

Anyways, one of the issues about the wedding thing is the millions of dollars these things seem to cost these days. I frankly don't need or want an actual diamond tiara, caviar for appetizers and Dom Perignon champagne pouring out of an ice sculpture but it would be nice to have my friends and family around me and not look at them and think how much their presence is costing me. Because if it comes down to that level of stress and planning then believe you me sister, we'll be getting married while we're in Bermuda faster than you can say "duty free." Scott suggested I install a Pay Pal account over here to try to grease you up for some money to help out. I'm looking for some feedback on this idea. This came from the man who thinks I was brought up in a trailer because I thought it would be fun to get married on the 4th of July. (My plan was that at least he'd never forget the date!)

After all, I'm providing these random insights from my head for little or no charge and let's face it -- if I ever get discovered, you'll have to pay to come see me. Perhaps we could just start acclimating to that idea NOW, just in case. I could password protect the thing and make people pay like a quarter to read the thoughts. Quarter's not that much so maybe folks would pay just out of curiousity. Kinda like a peep show. Only not as good! :-)

Anyways, if you're willing to pay to peep then give me a holler...

Sorry the blogging's been kinda lax this week. It has been SUPER slow at work and that tends to drain my brain cells more than the busy time. I get out of the habit of thinking and into the habit of staring into space and occasionally having a little stream of drool running down my chin...

I'll try to give you more entertaining bits -- after all, if I'm going to be charging for it, it probably should be worth reading, huh?


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