Sunday, August 15, 2004

It's nice to be loved...

I've been having phone problems -- unbeknownst to me -- and my friends sent out the bat signal to get back in touch with me. It's these moments when you realize that you are loved and it makes somehow all seem worth it.

Went to a party last night in Ghent. Wow. That was like going through a mini time warp. I haven't hung out in Ghent in years. Probably since my dear friend Adam moved out of his apartment. And that was... Well, it was a while ago. Anyways, it was cool. It took me at least an hour to work up the nerve to go and hang with people that I didn't know (other than the hosts). I'm THAT out of the loop of being social in a "new" scene.

Ridiculous. I had a great time. Had some light party chatter, had several Hurricanes (in honor of the weather), and did a little gnoshing. Really meant to spend more time getting to know several people at the party, but wound up spending most of the time with one of my host's co-workers because of my never-ending need to play Matchmaker and was trying to gauge if I thought she would be a good match for Scott's best friend.

I'm still on the fence. She's definitely a cute girl and lots of fun, but not sure if it's the right kind of cute and the right kind of fun. Not good a pairing people up really -- after all, look how long it took me to get it right for ME. And I know me better than anyone else.

When Harry Met Sally is playing on TCM right now. Just makes me feel so sappy that I can't tare myself away. It's almost here -- my line!! "Because when you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with someone, you want the rest of your life with someone you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible."

I can STILL cry at this scene!! :-)


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you for coming to the party it was fun to see you and not have a blowdryer or curling iron in my hand;)
Everybody seemed to have good time and i just think people didn't get drunk enough;)Amanda and I certainly did and we just about put a hole in the floor of my balcony trying to piggy-back each other...Fat,old,drunk girls shouldn't play like they are 7 years old!
Good to see I have an affect on more than just your hair and those beautiful eyes;)

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