Monday, February 09, 2004


And speaking of people with too much time on their hands... My current Communications chapter is on language and the symbolism it contains. The book states that language is an ever changing process, meanings of words are constantly changing and adapting. It referenced a couple of words that were new editions to the dictionary, one of which was ego-surfing. From, the exact definition is " Scanning the World-Wide Web, databases, print media
or research papers looking for the mention of your name."

While I've googled myself, just like most people, I hadn't done it in a while. Plus I didn't always realize that you could pull images from Google too. Duh. Anyways, it was strange to do a Google of my name and have it come back with SO many hits. All regular people living regular lives thinking they are unique in all the world. It's depressing, when you think about it. I guess that's why I don't get my knickers in a knot over the concept of changing my name after I get married. I don't become any more or less unique by having a new name. And underneath it all, I'm still just me.

Still, I would like to maintain that I'm one of the better Heather P---'s out there, but that's just me. ;-)


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