Wednesday, February 04, 2004

All's well that ends well. Went to meet my friend (the "meeting" was related to my need of Avon products, also now known as "crack") and briefly discussed my issues with being stood up. I explained that it was mainly upsetting because it was SO unexpected to be treated that way by a woman.

I think she understood and she acknowledged that she was wrong and that was that.

My question is -- why can't it be that easy with men? I don't understand. I'm not saying that they have to acknowledge that they are wrong -- believe it or not, I don't think that they are wrong all the time. Or even most of the time for that matter. All though I may present the attitude that I think that. I think where they are "wrong" is in their inability to discuss anything that involves emotions.

Sorry, their seeming inability to do so. I'm trying to be more careful of my word selection because of my Communications class.

The fact is that it just doesn't seem that difficult from where I'm sitting to talk about things. But the fact also is that it DOES seem a lot more difficult when considering doing so with a man. And not just men of the fiance variety, men in general. My dad, my male friends, my ear doctor today. Brushing aside my "little" concerns and undermining my reactions to things. These are my feelings and I'm the one that walks around with them all the time, please do not tell me that something that I think or feel is not important -- even if only to say that my life must be really easy if that's all I have to worry about. So the fuck what if you see my life as easy?? What does that have to do with anything? Is your life so friggin' hard that you can't even listen to my whines for 15 minutes?? Is it that difficult?

I don't know. It's a process, as we have learned in class, this communications stuff. Can't wait to get to the male/female chapter. Ironically, I think it's the one that I'm scheduled to present. Hm. Hope I don't get thrown out for my biased viewpoints...

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