Monday, May 02, 2005


I have been spending more time that usual lately with all boys. Just boys. I may have completely lost the ability to relate to other women, it is that epidemic.

My cousin has been in housing limbo for the last week or so, and so has been spending a fair amount of time on our couch. He's adapting to some of Scott's ways, so I get picked on a fair amount.

I'm a bit tired. If I fight back, then I am the bad girl and if I don't fight back, then I am the girl who feels bad.

Aww, I'm being melodramatic now. I don't even feel that bad, actually. But, it's just been a LOT of testosterone and I'm like in dire need of some XX time. (No, not the movie rating kind, the non-Y chromosome kind.)

Was it just last weekend that I hung out with the girls and helped deplete the martini supply and all of the cancer sticks?? What a long week it's been and man, did I ever realize how much I miss those times?

But, on the other hand... A lot of the time spent with the girls was spent obsessing about our bodies and our weight and talking about how we "should" be doing this or that. I do NOT miss that. It's not that I don't know that I need to do all of that, but I don't have to deal with that when I hang out with the guys. The guys don't sit around talking about how many sizes they went up since last fall -- and it's not like they shouldn't be! But, the guys don't go out of their ways to denigrate themselves the way that women do. So, that part is nice -- being able to just slouch around and not have to get dolled up.

Because let's be honest -- who do we really get dolled up for? Women. We have to look good so other women do not judge us for looking less than good.

Still... As easy as it can be in boys' town, I miss girls' town. I miss the giggling and guffawing over the weird things that draw us together. Mostly laughing about what happens in boys' town and how they see things on THAT side. Or being able to talk about my emotions without having to go through some lecture about why it's important for the other person to just listen to my emotions once in a while and NO, it does not always mean that I am having my period... (Sidenote: why doesn't someone tell men that all of the bad period stuff actually has NOTHING to do with the bleeding itself?? Why do they think it is called PRE-menstrual syndrome? Are they this dense??)

Anyways, so much for my thoughtful discussion on spending too much time with the boys. I'm tired. Think I'll go snuggle up with my boy.

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