Thursday, May 26, 2005

Penis Envy

Yes, I am using the P-word in bold letters on the subject line. We are ALL adults here, get over it.

Why do I have penis envy? Because of my husband.

Tonight is his Friday night, since he is off work tomorrow, so he is playing with the boys tonight. And by playing, I mean literally -- they will be playing games.

I am QUITE envious of this. I do not have friends that I can get together and play games with. This is a foreign concept to me, but one I would love to be a part of. When they hang out, they will play Trivial Pursuit or Scrabble or golf... Mind you, all of these games are HIGHLY techno-ed up and on a computer that is then connected to a VERY large television, but still.... It's playing.

I wanna play games. Women play games when we get together, but it's more emotional -- not actual feeling like a kid again fun.

I don't feel left out because I am not there, because I could have gone. I feel left out because I don't have people that I can just hang out and do stupid things with that aren't analyzing the world's problems.

Let the world handle it's own problems for a minute and let's play Clue for Christ's sake!

That is all that I am saying.


Anonymous said...

What you talkin about Willis?

I don't think that I have ever been to your home and NOT played a game!

I am always up for a good game(with a little bit of advance notice)....and I am sure we could bully others into it as well. :P

So....quit yer bitchin and pick up the phone!! ;)

"That's not Boggle....."

-Incog Neato

Adam said...

I want to play! Alas, I'm in the middle of the North Sea right now. I'll call you from Norway Heather.

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