Monday, January 10, 2005

Million Dollar Baby

Million Big Fat Stars and Kleenexes, kids! HOLY crap!

I mean, I swear to God. Is it possible to cry that much in 2 1/2 hours? WHO knew? I laughed, I cried. "Tough ain't enough."

Who didn't rock in this movie? Clint Eastwood with the graspy old voice and mean but tender ways. Morgan Freeman with his usual soft-spoken, calm ways, taking it back to Shawshank. And Hilary Swank? Fuhgeddaboutit. Her character slowly evolves in this perfect, beautiful way. You CANNOT separate her from the part.

WHY are you still reading this? Why aren't you at the movies watching this?

I was on the edge of my seat the whole time, and not just because of the fighting. The fighting was SUCH an integral part of the story, that it was almost another character. I always used to think I sort of had a thing for boxing -- but I realize now that I didn't even KNOW boxing until I saw Million Dollar Baby. This movie may be this generation's Rocky! When was the last time you saw a movie that you got so engrossed in that thecharacters became part of your conciousness? That you REALLY cared what happened to them?

Well, you would be having that experience now if you weren't sitting here reading this ridiculous pandering blog instead of sitting in a movie theater? I mean, you really do NOT follow directions very well.

(This blog will still be here when you get back from the movies.)

I just want to talk to you about the movie SO much. It is SO good. We were going to watch another movie afterwards, and we decided not to... We didn't want to watch anything that was going to take away from the experience. Remember the time I wrote about the fudge that was SO good that I didn't want to brush my teeth afterwards? I didn't want to lose that taste. This is the movie version of THAT experience.

So, I'll ask you again... Why are you still reading this?

I'm gonna stop writing, that'll show you...


PS: Like I could stop writing if I could! I'm considering changing the name of the blog from Inside Heather's Head to Full Heather Jacket. What do we think?

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