Monday, March 15, 2004


Well, hasn't this just been the 5 days to beat the band? I found my wedding dress! Yay! I found bridesmaid dresses! Yay! The Big Move passed and even though it sucks, at least it's over. (The work Big Move, the personal one -- nowhere near time for yet.)


Okay, okay. That's not what it is called. But, it should be.

Frankly, this is the thing that can EASILY crack my wedding obsession. That and the daunting task of ever catching up on my communications homework. Uh, SCARY!

Okay, but back to Adam. He is just as adorable as before, but he has got some scary ones to weed out of this crop before we can get down to the normal girls. Especially that Jen L girl. She is SUPER scary! She looks and acts like a Saturday Night Live caricature of what someone on that show would act like.

I'm not sure if I can get as obsessed with this show as I did with the first one. Watching a bunch of girls fighting over one guy? Snore, that's just an average night a Bar Norfolk. Women ganging up and getting catty over one guy is just kind of silly. When men have to do it, it's fun to watch. And having that beautiful girl in the position of having to pick from regular guys, I liked that too. But, Adam's just a guy who finally gets a chance to have a room full of women saying how great he is. The fact is that he seems like a pretty great guy to begin with, so it's kind of a shame that it took NBC to make a bunch of women realize that.

So, we'll see. Maybe I'll get into it, maybe I won't.

One of the things that he said that I really liked was when he was talking about how all of his friends say that when you meet the right person, you just know it and that's who you want to be with for the rest of your life. He said something about how it wasn't like you never LOOKED at anyone else, but not in that same way. That's how it is for me with Scott. It's not like I don't ever look at other guys and think -- mmm hmmmm... But, the fact is that I can't imagine myself with anyone else. I really do feel like for better, for worse -- we're in it together. So, that's why even when things are not going well, I don't dog him out to my friends and everyone on the planet (well, unless I'm sleep deprived and there were toilets overflowing involved) -- he's my partner. It makes me feel disloyal to say be disrespectful. Frankly, it's not always easy to keep things to myself because he does some pret-ty frustrating things. But, what're you gonna do?

Today, I said this was the Monday-est of Mondays and now it's over.


love you mean it,

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