Wednesday, March 15, 2006


Okay, I'm mad. I've never really been one to get my dander up over the politics of the nation. Some of my good friends have lived overseas and have long gone on about how much America is hated and how greedy, nasty, awful we are, etc. And frankly, I was always a bit blase about the whole thing. Yeah, we suck -- so what?

But, this is getting ridiculous.

Have you heard about Senator Russ Feingold? I'm telling you right now that I am sincerely hoping this is the man running for '08. He is calling for the censure of President Bush because of the illegal wire tapping that Bush has authorized without approval. On American citizens.

I know that if you don't watch Fox news you know a bunch about this already.

I won't bore you with the details.

The fact is that it is disgusting. But then it gets worse. Sen. Wayne Allard from CO basically accused Sen. Feingold of consorting with terrorists because of the call for censure.

I'm sorry but if you disagree with the government that makes you a terrorist??

Does that mean that when Clinton was in office and all of the Republicans disagreed with him that THEY were terrorists??

There is no clear, concise way for me to express just how morally outraged and disgusted I am by this entire administration. When is it going to end? When is SOMEONE going to say that this arrogant, lying, candy-assed pig has gone too far???

And we live in a country of people who overwhelming voted him into office. AGAIN. How is that possible? When did American people stop caring about what it means to be American?

I have heard this time and time again and I fully agree that terrorism is the new Communism. It's the latest accusation you can throw on someone in order to sully their reputation. But, terrorism is even scarier because we saw EXACTLY what terrorists are made of on 9/11. Keep the fear going, keep the people feeding on the fear and as long as they are afraid then they will do whatever you say.

The people will go along with your ignoring the poor people in New Orleans when the levees are about the break. The people will allow you to continue on a path to financial ruin to continue a war that doesn't make sense. The people will let you listen to their private phone calls and conversations because you might be a terrorist.

It's outrageous. And we're just fucking lying down. Lying down and letting it happen.

Go to, people. Sign the petition to have Bush censored. Or call your Senator and tell them you support this. Do something, stop lying down.

I'm telling you that if you don't respect your own rights, no one will.

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