Tuesday, February 14, 2006

happy valentine's day oh favorite people of mine

I was perusing VideoDog at Salon.com. (That's here. ) And there was this movie short called Are you the favorite person of anybody? This was sort of interesting.

If you don't want to watch it, basically the guy is conducting a survey and asks, "Are you the favorite person of anybody?" And then has the confused person rate the certainty of their answers on a scale of very certain, pretty certain, i think so, maybe, not certain at all.

It made me think -- am I the favorite person of anybody? I mean, I would say there are plenty of people who like me and a handful of them would even go so far as to say I would be one of their favorites -- but the favorite? That's a lot of pressure. If you say one person is your favorite, then that discounts all of the other people. That's why even at the ripe old age of 32 I can't commit to having just one best friend and have two instead. Which basically disqualifies the whole notion of best, huh?

The obvious answer (particularly on this day of mush and gush) is my husband is my favorite person. And even though it really is true, how cliche'd is that?

And then how much pressure to be someone's FAVORITE person? I mean, who could live up to that? Everyone has bad days and gets gas and gets cranky and whatever. Does the bad stuff exist in your favorite people? Do you only see your favorite people once a decade (I was going to say millenium but I'm trying to cut down on my "dramaticism") and that's how they remain your favorites? How much contact do you have with favorite people? Can they keep the momentum going or do you change the favorite status from time to time?

What makes someone your FAVORITE person?

I'm deciding that I'm against this favorite person thing. Too much pressure to put on one person. Perhaps favorite people by category, I can live with that. "Favorite Friend in a Dramatic Role." "Favorite Friend to Coerce You into Smoking when you swore you quit." "Favorite Relative -- local." "Favorite Husband." "Favorite Boss."

Yeah. Be someone's Favorite in a category and continue to strive for mediocrity!

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