Sunday, January 08, 2006

Our Lost Weekend

I started the weekend with so many good intentions, but then something happened. We got lost.

No, I mean "Lost," the ABC show about the castaways.

We tried to watch it last season, but with the creature in the forest and the show always ending just when you were about to find out what was going on, we were a little over it. People kept talking about it, there was lots of buzz but by then it was a little late. There was so much to catch up on and not enough time.

But, this season, Scott started watching it again. And because it was on, I would catch up on an episode here or there. I was pretty interested, though still a bit put off by the cheese factor. So, I asked him to use his alternative means to procure the first season.

And that's where my weekend went. From Thursday night on, we have been huddled around Scott's computer watching season one. We barely moved except to get water or pee and then when we had to forage for food.

There are a lot of reasons that I got so sucked in, but I really do think that when you watch any tv show without any commercials and without having to wait for the next week for the resolution to the cliffhanger -- your viewing experience is substantially improved. I have a friend who is just as addicted to Smallville as we are, but she won't watch the show during the "regular" season because she can't stand to wait to see what's going to happen. She just waits for the season to come out on dvd.

I somewhat agree, but having to wait week to week isn't as bad as having to wait a year.

Anyways, back to "Lost."

I have a feeling that many of you regular readers (ha!) are either in one of two categories: already watching the show or have no time or energy to watch the show. Therefore, I won't go into the whole background of the show. Because, here's the reason that I like it -- it's the background stories of the characters compared to their current lives on the island. You get to see their motivations, which is something you don't get in real life. Understanding people's motivations is one of my own passion's. If I can understand why you do what you do, then maybe I can learn to understand your actions and not judge who you are.

Still, it makes you wonder why they don't just share their stories, what have they got to lose now? Well, there wouldn't be any drama, duh!

So, I have a new crack addiction. I wish there was more to watch, but there's just a few episodes this season to catch up on and then we're like regular people again.

Well, as regular as we get. :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hello Heather, Bren here from GA ran across your blog, very interesting, you seem like a lovely soul. I watched "lost" too, but my favorite show is "King of Queens"

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