Wednesday, September 28, 2005

More on my weight

(You don't blog enough, whines the person whom I hadn't heard from since my dad died. Um, well -- you could write me...)

I had my first weight gain since my Weight Watchers journey. And as slight as it was (.4 -- whyyy did I not pee before I got on the scale??), it was still depressing. I mean, I was not "good." I ate pizza with my cousin and had 2 beers -- and they were not light beers. I had some pot roast on Sunday. I had some of Scott's burrito stuff this weekend. I haven't been exercising. It adds up. I should be grateful it wasn't more of a slide, but I guess since I really try to be SO careful in between those downslides that I just take for granted that it's okay to slip.

And it will be, once I lose some more of this 75 lbs.

I tell you I am more and more impressed with people who really use all of the 16 hours they are awake a day. People who exercise and go to school and work (sometimes more than one job) -- these are people who are just fucking up my excuses that it's not possible! I mean, am I supposed to go to the gym when the Gilmore Girls are on??

I jest. Of course I am supposed to and I do not.

But, too, I am tired of beating myself up for all of the things I don't do. All of the mistakes I make and all of the error. I am generally eating better than I have in my life. I eat fruit and/or vegetables at least two or three times a day. That is two or three times more than I was before. I drink milk every day. I really try to think about the things I eat. Fried things rarely touch my lips anymore.

So, I am going to start working on thinking about those things. Focusing on the positive steps I am making in my life. If I never lost another pound in my life and continued to eat this way for the rest of my life, I would be better off than I was before.

Anyways -- this is the real reason you don't get regular posts from me, Captain. Because they would either be about all of the weight I wish I was losing or all of the exercise I wasn't doing or about all of my school crap. (Just 5 classes away and a computer CLEP from an Associates. Never thought I could be this proud of having a lousy 2 year degree, but it's 2 more years than a lot of people, eh?)

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