Monday, July 10, 2006

So, we've just about finished moving into our new home. And just got internet TODAY -- my marriage may actually last another 2 years after all! (Today is our 2 year anniversary -- we gave each other the internet as a present.)

I have to say that move has been pretty successful over all. We definitely had some bumps, but nothing that was majorly dramatic in the grand scheme of things. The big delay in having the satellite and internet installed was a potential cause for divorce due to the stress and strain Scott was feeling over not being able to communicate with the outside world.

But, we're just about up and running and we may be able to tear ourselves away for long enough to appropriately ring in our anniversary.

I mean, I can stand to be away from the computer for 2 or 3 minutes, no problem. :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Congrats! We are in the process of throwing everything away and it feels AWESOME to unload all this useless crap. Hey if you need some of the Repairative Shine serum I have a full bottle you can have...I found it in a bag of stuff that I got at a show for free I also have lots of shampoo and stuff for the taking;)

HAve fun in your new place! Make sure you "claim" every room;)


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