Thursday, April 15, 2004

How did Thursday get here?

I can only vaguely recall a time when I could blog daily. Or even think about blogging daily. Wow.

Do you ever get the sneaking suspicion that you are really just a hamster running around in God's wheel? I do.

That for me is about as close as I get to religion.

Seriously though, sometimes I just run and run and run and nothing ever seems to get accomplished.

Throw some cheese in here, man.

You ever beat yourself up for procrastinating and get so used to beating yourself up that you start to enjoy the sick feeling you get from hating yourself for something that is SO preventable??

Yeah, me neither.

But, if I did... Just supposing. This would definitely be high time. I think I need to have parents on full-time duty again. For example, when the wedding invitations came, they gave me a ration of shit that I would NEVER get them sent out on time because I always procrastinate on everything and there's just no way I could handle all that in the correct time frame.

Yeah? Fuck you fucker. They'll be done with time to spare just to prove to them that they can be!

That's what I need. Someone telling me matter-of-factly that I can't do something. It wasn't so much that they were rude or anything, they were just so certain that I couldn't do it that it has been my driiving goal to prove them wrong. I sure wish that they would matter-of-factly tell me that there is no way I can ever get even a C in this Communication class so I could make sure I worked hard enough to prove them wrong.

Why can't I just do things? Why do I need these BIZARRE head games to get them done?? Who can I blame for THAT?

Man, I think Scott is right -- I DO make things too hard. Sometimes.

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