Tuesday, September 30, 2008

I just wanted to let you know...

I'll be back in a little while. I had to step out because I have something going on that I can't talk about yet, just in case. But, I really promise to try to catch you up on the whole sordid mess when it's done.

Here's what I can tell you.

If you had this noise in your head all of the time, you would cut it off. I'm not kidding. Sometimes I want to hold my head up next to people to see if they can hear it, but of course they can't. It's not like my head is a conch shell.

It's the noise equivalent of a pink elephant in the room -- the more you try not to think about it, the more you do. It's hard not to. It is what it is, and I have to accept it. But, it's all I want to talk about it because it's the only thing I know.

And the thing is... I KNOW it could be worse. The other day I see a guy from my class at my neurologist's office. I admit to him in class that I saw him there after he said that he missed the last class because of chronic back pain. He was saying that he had this issue with the disks in his back and it was either surgery to re-install pins or some other "non-invasive" thing where they somehow graft hip bone stuff onto your spine. Umm, ouch!

He asked what I was there for and I told him my sad tumor story, gamma knife, blah blah, insert hulk joke here. And he said, "You know, you always think you have it bad and then you hear someone else's story."

And I said, "You know, I felt the same way when I heard about you."

So, you really never know. Here's hoping you don't have a story that makes me feel better about mine. ;)


Take Me Back to VA said...

Hey dont give me shit about not posting, its been a month for you and only a week for me.
Question: is this a literal noise or a figurative noise? If its figurative, I can hear it too. =)

Heather said...

I was going to really give you shit because it HAD been more than a month since you posted on "our" blog, but you blew that didn't you?

And oy again!

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