Sunday, February 24, 2008

is this a big idea or am I just full of myself?

I'm watching the Oscars and I got this idea.

Here's what I remember from high school. We did plays and the chorus did shows and not sure what else went on. But, mostly we just watched our own stuff and people only showed up if they got extra credit in English for it.

But, what if there was an awards show in high school like the Oscars and all the students got to vote -- but they had to have been to the shows in order to be allowed to vote? The night of the ceremony there could be fancy dresses and maybe even community donated limos or something? PTA or fundraisers with candy or whatever the kids do now. SELLING I-tunes!

Or batteries like they do on the subways.

I mean, the possibilities are endless and it's a possible way to get kids interested in participating in the arts in their community.

Is this crazy? And if not, how on Earth can I pass this idea on to someone who can use it? I don't want to make money (I mean, isn't my lifestyle proof of that??) but I really want someone to tell me if this is as good of an idea as it feels like.

I'm picturing everyone dressed up in their promwear and maybe someone pretending to be Ryan Seacrest on the red carpet, asking who they're wearing, etc. The ceremony presided over by the teachers and maybe some graduated Seniors. The awards would be for the plays but also any other necessary categories for any other performing arts -- depending on what's out there. Instead of a specific statue, the awards themselves would be designed by the art department so they could also get involved. There would a competition amongst them whose award would represent which honor. Or a competition about who gets to create which award and they could lobby for it.

I mean, the possibilities are endless and what a buzz of school spirit there would be, right?

I don't know... What do you think?

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