Wednesday, July 14, 2004

Domesticate THIS!

I have NO idea how housewives stay home all day and don't go crazy. I'm not talking about the ones with kids -- that's working. I'm talking about married women without jobs and without kids at home to look after. What is the appeal of this? This was my last day off and I spent the day trying to catch up on tasks and only managing to complete each of them half-assed.

Yes, this is my foray into domestic bliss and all I can say is that I am looking forward (can you imagine?) to going back to work tomorrow. I love my husband (hee hee) dearly, but am not all that crazy about his laundry. At least when I'm working I have a valid excuse for not getting it done!

I guess y'all are wondering what some of Heather's post-wedding thoughts are or how the wedding turned out if you weren't able to go. (Maybe you went and just wanted to know what *I* thought.) There's too much of that to post. I'll try to post some pictures when I can, but my life (and this blog) has been mired in all of that wedding stuff for SOOOO long that it's nice not thinking about it, talking about it or remembering that it even exists for a little while. It's also nice running into people and hearing them say such nice things about our wedding. Everything turned out very very well -- I couldn't be more pleased and am so happy that my life with my new husband got started in such a beautiful yet fun way. Hoorah!

Stay tuned for tales of newly married adjustments, back to the regular grind and back to school woes -- all in this blog!


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